resize package#
resize.core module#
- resize.core.rescale(im: base.core.Image, scale: float = 1.0, **kwargs) base.core.Image #
Rescales an image by some fixed proportion for both width and height.
- resize.core.resize(im: base.core.Image, size: Tuple[int, int], interpolation=3, **kwargs) base.core.Image #
Resizes a given image to dimensions specified by size=(width, height). Convenience wrapper around cv2.resize.
Module contents#
- resize.rescale(im: base.core.Image, scale: float = 1.0, **kwargs) base.core.Image #
Rescales an image by some fixed proportion for both width and height.
- resize.resize(im: base.core.Image, size: Tuple[int, int], interpolation=3, **kwargs) base.core.Image #
Resizes a given image to dimensions specified by size=(width, height). Convenience wrapper around cv2.resize.